Featured articles
Channels for Change – August 2023 Edition
Dive into the captivating world of lion conservation with Simon Naylor, the conservation manager at Phinda Private Game Reserve, in &Beyond's thought-provoking podcast series, 'Leave Our World a Better Place.' Simon's extensive experience as a conservation manager at Phinda Private Game Reserve for over 16 years offers valuable insights into the challenges and successes of preserving lion populations across Africa and Asia.
Channels for Change – March 2023 Edition
On Dream Greener, a community-based podcast focused on sustainability and climate heroes, Kamea Chayne hosts Sinegugu Zukulu, a passionate advocate for rural development, ecotourism, agriculture, and youth empowerment. Sinegugu uses this platform to discuss the threats to land security and the significance of indigenous cultures in protecting South Africa’s Pondoland on the Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape.