Spotlight on: The Big 5

Written by Marrian Haileselassie

If you’re thinking of visiting Africa, you’ve made an excellent choice! The culture, the nature and most importantly, the wildlife make the continent an adventurer’s haven. When planning a trip to Africa, you’ll definitely come across the term, 'Big 5'. Not sure what it means? Big 5 refers to the top 5 animals that colonial-era trophy hunters thought were the hardest animals to hunt on foot. Today, Africa-enthusiasts use the term to refer to major animals to spot on a safari or game drive. Here are the Big 5 explained:

lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo are the big 5

1. Lion

Popularly known as the ‘King of the Jungle’, lions are the ‘Kings of the Savannah’ too. They live in tight packs (called prides) which explains why they’re the most social of the big cats. Although lionesses do not have the domineering mane, in lion-society, these fierce females do all the work in hunting, caring for young cubs and holding down a pride’s territory.

Fun fact: After a large meal, lions can sleep up to 24 hours!

2. Leopard

These elusive night cats show little need for company, but rather prefer to roam around alone and hide out in trees. Boasting goldish fur spotted with rose-like back spots known as rosettes, the leopard is the shadow king of the Big 5. They’re also nocturnal which means spotting a leopard is exceptionally rare during the daytime.

Fun fact: Every leopard has their own distinct set of rosettes just like a human fingerprint!

3. Elephant

Elephants are the largest and friendliest of the Big 5, known to peacefully interact with humans. These herbivores are living off their surrounding greenery and can weigh anywhere between 2.000 to 6.000 kg. But they’re more than what meets the eye! These wild giants are known to be clever. Excited to see one up close? Check out our trips to the Chobe Region in Botswana!

Fun fact: Elephants have a favourite tusk so they could be left-tusked or right-tusked!

4. Rhino

The Rhino is the most short-tempered of the Big 5 when it comes to human intruders. A particular species of this wild animal, the black rhino, has been driven to near-extinction for their unique horns. Concentrated anti-poaching and black rhino conservation efforts have steadily seen their populations grow again across Africa.

Fun fact: Rhinos can sleep while standing!

5. Buffalo

Buffalos are known to be dangerous because of their poor sight and hearing. Travelling in large groups and often through water to avoid lion predators, they are very strategic. When on the move, younger and weaker buffaloes are kept at the center for protection, and they might even cause a stampede to overpower potential predators.

Fun fact: A buffalo’s horns are called ‘bosses’!

The Big 5 truly make the African travel experience unforgettable. And by now, you are certainly ready to hit the road on your next safari and point out these animals by name.

Want more fun facts? Check out our blog posts on the quirky Ugly 5 and the mini-but-mighty Little 5!

Itching to get out and see some wonderful wildlife for yourself? Hop on over to our website to find out more! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more on the Big 5 and other fascinating wildlife!

Marrian Haileselassie

Loves: Coffee, human stories, silhouettes

Hates: Early mornings, littering, noisy places


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