Featured articles
Channels for Change – September 2023 Edition
You've likely heard the saying "Go where the wind takes you". But for one individual, these words were taken to heart and transformed into action. In this month's Channels for Change, we follow Jerrie de Kop, a professional kitesurfer bringing awareness to the ecological dangers the Kilimanjaro area faces, in the documentary ‘Follow the Wind’.
Channels for Change – August 2023 Edition
Dive into the captivating world of lion conservation with Simon Naylor, the conservation manager at Phinda Private Game Reserve, in &Beyond's thought-provoking podcast series, 'Leave Our World a Better Place.' Simon's extensive experience as a conservation manager at Phinda Private Game Reserve for over 16 years offers valuable insights into the challenges and successes of preserving lion populations across Africa and Asia.
Channels for Change – July 2023 Edition
The Hidden Tiger explores how the shocking number of captive tigers in the United States is linked to a decreasing number of tigers in the wild. The documentary reveals the impact of unregulated breeding and mistreatment of these apex predators that are exploited for mere roadside entertainment.
Channels for Change – June 2023 Edition
This month’s Channels for Change edition takes you on a journey through the history and environmental struggles of the Kowie River in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Gain a deeper understanding of social and environmental justice while immersing yourself in the powerful narrative of this precious river's past and present.
Channels for Change – May 2023 Edition
Home to more wildlife than any other wetland on earth, the ever-changing Okavango Delta is certainly an intriguing setting for a classic wildlife documentary. Its wildlife are bound together by this place that they call home and in this month’s binge, we follow the stories of the prides, the packs, and the herds of this amazing land.
Channels for Change – April 2023 Edition
The Black Mermaid follows Zandile Ndhlovu, the eponymous pre-Disney mermaid from South Africa, as she shares her love for the ocean and why it inspired her to try to create the same passion in her community. In African folklore, the ocean is a formidable and dangerous force that is not to be trifled with. While many South Africans live in close proximity to the ocean, few Black South Africans can swim and even fewer view the sea as a place of pleasurable pastime.
Self-drive Safari: Tips, Tricks and Safety Precautions
Going on a self-drive safari can be a thrilling adventure, and with a little bit of extra knowledge, you can make sure you have a safe and enjoyable time out on the open roads. In this blog post, we'll provide you with all the information you need to know to get the most out of your self-drive safari experience while being a savvy safari self-driver. Read on to self-drive into your next adventure.
Sustainability at MORE Family Collection
MORE Family Collection inspires visitors to rediscover the awe-inspiring joys of life found in nature while staying in classic lodges and hotels tucked away in some of the most pristine and breathtaking parts of Southern Africa. They believe exploring a destination while giving back creates a more meaningful journey. Discover how this family-owned and -managed group makes this a reality.
Channels for Change – March 2023 Edition
On Dream Greener, a community-based podcast focused on sustainability and climate heroes, Kamea Chayne hosts Sinegugu Zukulu, a passionate advocate for rural development, ecotourism, agriculture, and youth empowerment. Sinegugu uses this platform to discuss the threats to land security and the significance of indigenous cultures in protecting South Africa’s Pondoland on the Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape.
The Top 7 Sustainable Activities in KwaZulu-Natal
From its stunning landscapes to its vibrant culture and history, KwaZulu-Natal — or KZN — is a paradise that offers a plethora of immersive experiences. In this blog post we’ll look at the Top 7 sustainable — and exhilarating — activities you can indulge in all the way from the rolling hills of the Drakensberg Mountains to the spectacular beaches of the Indian Ocean coastline.
Channels for Change - February 2023 Edition
Climbing temperatures, extreme weather conditions, ice caps melting, and sea levels rising. This month’s focus for Channels for Change, The Climate Planet Film, is about how our world’s climate has been disrupted significantly by various factors. This documentary captures one of the greatest political, economical and technological challenges of today, and we’re not out of the woods yet.
Why is Botswana a Sustainable Destination?
Botswana is globally revered as Africa’s most forward-thinking tourism destination, with a big emphasis on high-value, low-volume tourism. In this blog post, we'll look at why Botswana is a jewel destination for sustainable tourism, from its triumphant efforts to minimise environmental impact to its inspiring initiatives that maximise positive social, cultural, and economic influence. 🇧🇼
Channels for Change - January 2023 Edition
This month, we’re feeling inspired by the visually stimulating and thought-provoking masterpiece that is HUMAN. If your New Year’s Resolution includes making the world a better place, there’s no better way to start than with the January edition of Channels for Change, which will be sure to broaden your horizon and inspire action.
Channels for Change - December 2022 Edition
For this edition of Channels for Change, we follow the team at Shamwari Game Reserve with the 13-part docu-series Shamwari Untamed. The series highlights the responsible tourism efforts of Shamwari Game Reserve, including all the amazing conservation work that they do, particularly that of protecting their rhino population. 🦏
Channels for Change - November 2022 Edition
For this edition of Channels for Change, we’ve absorbed the words of travel writer Holly Tuppen and discovered more than anticipated: how to travel with a purpose. Let’s go on a sustainable journey by book! 📚
Channels for Change - October 2022 Edition
For this month’s Channels for Change, we are looking at The Last Tourist, a documentary that has no qualms about placing the often devastating effects of tourism front and centre, along with straightforward solutions.
Netflix & Change - September 2022 Edition
Birders is a short yet impactful documentary about birders from the United States of America and Mexico who navigate, narrate and advocate for the conservation and preservation of the Rio Grande delta. In preparation for the celebration of World Migratory Bird Day on the 8th of October, Viatu invites you, from the comfort of your couch of course, to explore the wonderful world of birders.
3 Myths About Sustainable Travel Debunked
The notion of sustainable travel has been getting some well-deserved attention from the world, but with that, travellers are also getting overloaded with (mis)information. We certainly don’t want travellers to get burdened with discouraging misconceptions when it comes to travelling sustainably. Let’s negate some of the most believed myths about sustainable travel!
Explained: How We Calculate and Offset Our Travellers’ Emissions
Viatu is committed to reshaping travel as a relentless force for good. One way we do this is by participating in the decarbonisation of the tourism industry. Read on to learn how we calculate the carbon labels of our trips, the total footprint of our travellers, and the climate project we offset our travellers' emissions with!
Netflix & Change - August 2022 Edition
Agriculture is not only one of the world's largest industries but also one of the most destructive. Even so, there are those who have new hope that farming can go a different route. A breath of fresh air, the award-winning and critically acclaimed feature documentary, The Biggest Little Farm, invites viewers to learn more about regenerative agriculture and what it means to inspire a community.