Featured articles

Sustainability Bárbara Büchel Sustainability Bárbara Büchel

Proud to be a B Corp™

We are thrilled to announce that Viatu is now a certified B Corp, joining a global community of businesses dedicated to walking the sustainability talk. This certification is not just a badge; it's a comprehensive framework that helps us measure and improve our impact over the years, ensuring we leave a lasting positive footprint.

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Sustainability Courtney Mae Drysdale Sustainability Courtney Mae Drysdale

Viatu is a Proud Member of 1% for the Planet

Viatu is proud to announce that we have registered as members of 1% for the Planet so that we can start to carve away a more sustainable future for travel and, as a result, the beautiful places that we offer as destinations for those who live in them. 1% for the Planet is a groundbreaking organisation that partners with different sustainable companies and individuals across the globe.

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Sustainability, Explained Series Jessica Tyrrell Sustainability, Explained Series Jessica Tyrrell

Explained: How We Calculate and Offset Our Travellers’ Emissions

Viatu is committed to reshaping travel as a relentless force for good. One way we do this is by participating in the decarbonisation of the tourism industry. Read on to learn how we calculate the carbon labels of our trips, the total footprint of our travellers, and the climate project we offset our travellers' emissions with!

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