Netflix & Change - July 2021 Edition

Written by Jess Tyrrell

Yep, it’s July, which means we’re already headed into the second half of the year! Why not take a moment to relax, turn on and tune in to this month's edition of Netflix & Change, which showcases the bravery of the all-female Akashinga anti-poaching rangers, offers a glimpse into the shocking world of South Africa's captive lion industry, and aims to inspire through an optimist's guide to saving the world. 🌍🐘

Enjoy the quality edutainment coming your way. 🎭

1. Akashinga: The Brave Ones

Akashinga: The Brave Ones movie poster

β€œI am sacrificing my everything, my life, for protecting the wildlife.”


This inspiring documentary produced by James Cameron follows the gruelling initiation process and histories of the all-female anti-poaching group, Akashinga (meaning the Brave Ones), in the lower Zambezi region of Zimbabwe. These courageous women, with their innate instinct to protect, put their lives on the line to infiltrate and apprehend dangerous elephant poachers.


This moving documentary shifts the conservation doctrine away from thinking that only men can protect wildlife. It is an outstanding illustration of how disadvantaged and impoverished women from rural Zimbabwe can be empowered through becoming Akashinga, protecting thousands of elephants from being poached in the process. 

ο»Ώ2. 2040

β€œEverywhere you look, you can see incredible reasons for hope.”


2040 follows Australian dad Damon Gameaus' practical musings as he imagines what life could be like for his 4-year-old daughter in 2040 considering the current climate crisis. Instead of chastising its audience, this entertaining and inspiring documentary highlights inventions and initiatives that are already in use that, if they were to be globally adopted, would reverse climate change, so that all the children featured in the film - and around the world - can have safer, happier futures. 


Not akin to the oft broadcast doom and gloom climate message, Gameau instead offers a practical approach to tackling the climate emergency through innovations that already exist. He considers how expanding solar power, public transport, regenerative farming and carbon sequestration methods could greatly alter our current trajectory. He focuses on what you, as an individual, can do right now and inspiringly contributes a sense that change is possible.

3. Blood Lions

Bred For The Bullet


Following the unnatural cycle of canned lions from cradle to grave, this brutally hard-hitting documentary exposes the unethical practices associated with the captive lion industry in South Africa, where lions are relentlessly bred in 'mills' to cater for interactive wildlife tourism. Through debunking the myths and claims made by these 'conservation' organisations, Blood Lions significantly contributed to the decision by South African governments to implement a phased ban on captive lion breeding in May 2021!


This documentary brings to light how seemingly well-intentioned organisations manipulate tourists. Big cat breeding farms con tourists and volunteers into believing that they are conserving these big cats, however, these lions are never released into the wild, instead, as soon as cubs get too boisterous to interact with, they are sent to be killed in canned hunts or for the lion bone trade in Asia. Blood Lions reiterates how important it is to research animal centred excursions before devoting your time and money to them.

We hope that July's Netflix & Change selections inspired you, be it in realising the transformative power of media, through witnessing the relentless and powerful female spirit, or by hearing from an environmental optimist for a change.

If you have any movie suggestions, holler at us on Instagram!


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